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Hey all! There is no other title for today's blog post that I can think of besides gratitude! I am so overwhelmed with the messages, likes and comments...thank you all so very much for your time and encouragement! I have received hundreds (yes, hundreds) of messages that I am trying to respond to in a timely fashion. I am still learning the ins and outs of the website and my business page on facebook so thank you for your patience and I promise I will get back to you!

For those of you waiting for a reply, maybe I can help you with one of the most faq that I'm getting. If you want to know more about my goals, my business, my anything and we go. I am a happily married lady in my 40's. I have three successful grown children, all men now. I am a nurse.

I enjoy my garden...I love my flowers and weeds and believe they are one in the same most of the I love to make remedies, ointments, salves, etc... from what I find in nature. Herbalism and my apothecary are two areas I am growing in size and knowledge, so exciting!

So long story short, I'm just me...and I hope to keep making friends here! If you have a specific question shoot and I'll answer as quickly as I can! Again, thank you all so much, I am very grateful for all of you!

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